Summer Undergraduate Research in Pharmacology & Cancer Biology (SURPH)

2024 SURPH Fellows

This ten-week summer research experience focuses on learning how scientific discovery at the bench can be translated to treatment of disease. Students will train with a faculty mentor and carry out an independent research project in Duke’s Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology. The purpose of the fellowship is to:

  1. Immerse students in areas of biomedical science such as pharmacology that are not readily accessible on undergraduate campuses,
  2. Expose students to the connection between biomedical research and drug discovery, and
  3. Create networking opportunities for students to pursue graduate study in biomedical science.

In addition to a rich scientific program, SURPH@Duke will feature visits to unique Duke destinations and excursions in Durham and the nearby Research Triangle Park. The fellows are encouraged to explore this unique rapidly, developing part of the nation.

The SURPH@Duke is a 10-week fulltime fellowship. Thus, students may not be involved in any other concurrent program or take simultaneous summer classes. The first week of SURPH will be conducted offsite for orientation and background reading.

Program Dates (to be finalized): Late May 2025 to End of July 2025

The SURPH@Duke Summer 2025 application will open on Friday, November 1st, 2024:

The application deadline is Monday, February 10th, 2025.

Notifications will be sent the first week of March 2025.

Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Assistant Professor in Anesthesiology
Professor of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine
Associate Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor in Surgery
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology

Eligible applicants are those who are sophomores or juniors at US colleges and universities. We encourage those who feel disadvantaged in educational advancement and those of underrepresented groups to apply. Selection criteria are based on the following: academic record (including extracurricular activities), personal statement, short answer responses, and letters of recommendation. Applicants must be a US citizen or permanent resident.

Students will receive a summer stipend and food points. On-campus housing is required and will be covered by the SURPH@Duke Fellowship.


Jessica Sawyer, Ph.D.
SURPH@Duke Program Director

SURPH 2024_2
2024 SURPH Fellows after climbing 239 steps to the top of Duke Chapel.