Many Pharmacology and Cancer Biology faculty are happy to accept postdoctoral candidates into their labs. These faculty, the Duke University School of Medicine, or other outside funding agencies should be contacted for information regarding funding opportunities. Contact faculty members who may be interested in accepting postdocs, and check out the graduate student pages for information on Duke, Durham, and the Department.
For more information, visit the Office of Postdoctoral Services

Teaching Opportunities
There are several opportunities for postdoctoral fellows in Pharmacology and Cancer Biology to obtain teaching experience. These are described briefly below:
- Teaching Assistants in our undergraduate courses Pharm 350, 360, and 370. For information, contact the faculty member in each course.
There are a variety of other opportunities for science education outreach. To get more information, go to RISE (Raising Interest in Science Education) or Duke Science & Society.
Duke Sponsored Professional Development in Teaching
Postdocs interested in professional development in teaching may participate in the following Duke program:
Preparing Future Faculty
The Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) program is run by The Graduate School to better prepare graduate students and postdocs for the multiple roles they may be asked to assume as future faculty members in a variety of academic institutions.
Jessica K Sawyer, PhD
Assistant Research Professor of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology