ANY work supported by NIH funds MUST be submitted to the PubMed database to be freely available to the public. Review the NIH site listing requirements for Public Access
This requirement includes any research that you conduct during the period of time you are supported by the training grant. For many of you, publications will result for work you do on your thesis project, during years 3-‐5 of your graduate training. If the work is supported by a research grant, it is up to your PI to do this. However, if you are an author, you also have responsibility. Situations can arise in which YOU are responsible for submitting it. The most likely situations in which this will occur are the following
- You help on some experiments during your rotations, and they add you to a paper.
- For Chemistry and BME students who receive support during years 3-‐5: it is highly likely that work which is published HAS been done during your years of support.
Step by step instructions for how to determine if your paper must be submitted (certain types of publications are exempt, but generally most require submission)
The PSTP submits a list of publications by trainees every year, and if they are non-‐compliant, then we must submit an explanation for why there is an exception.
The only acceptable exception is when the student was not supported by the training grant when he or she conducted the research AND research was not supported by NIH, but by some other mechanism
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO verify the source of funding for both your salary and the research that was conducted, and to determine if you have the responsibility to submit to the PubMed database.
For any of you who want future NIH funding, you will need to set up a “My NCBI Bibliography” to list all of your publications anyway, so you probably are already doing this.